Nasser Al-Humaidi is what Kuwait as well as AlTujjarstands for, youthful and driven by his philosophies and work ethic. He is the co-owner of one of the most distinct financial projects, UPayments, an online payment service that helps end-usersnavigate through their payments with ease.Although there are many financial trading businesses in Kuwait, UPayments is among the elites.
Nasser and his partner started their business in early 2016. Back then, all government and private companies as well as personal projects were moving forward to using technology in orderto manage theirfinancial payments. UPayments provides several services combined in 4 main divisions which are as follows: UPayis for bill payments, URentis for rent payments, UEscrow is for buying and selling deals insurances and lastly, UInterface is for a multi-vendor payment gateway. The field of financial trade is considered one of the most difficult areas in the market. Nasser had made sure to build a strong relationship between himself and his end-users, a relationshipfilled with trust and transparency through ensuring their financial safety as well as their satisfaction through facilitating their access to the services provided by the company.
According to Nasser, teamwork and having strong individuals as team members is the key element in reaching success. He believes that having the right individuals on your team whoshare the same values, the same vision and the same goals is what leads any company to success. Kuwait has always been known for its youthful, proactive and creative entrepreneurs. Nasser’s final words are dedicated to the creative and aspiring young minds of Kuwait, he encourages them to persevere and motivate themselves with the hope that success comes from dedication and having a crystal clear vision to chase.